Multi-Complex Night Cream
Multi-Complex Night Cream
Nighttime moisturizer with retinoid, LipochromanTM, and CoQ10. Dramatically improves lines, sagging, and uneven pigment.
Benefits: • Imparts a smoother and firmer appearance. • Renews youthful glow. • Repairs past damage and helps prevent future damage.
Featured Ingredients: • RETINOID: This well-tolerated form of vitamin A renews skin plumpness, elasticity, and hydration. • ANTIOXIDANT LIPOCHROMANTM: High potency, strongest antioxidant on the market, protects from oxygen andnitrogenfreeradicalformation(nootherantioxidantsprotectagainstnitrogenfree radicals).Improve the appearance of skin aging changes, including wrinkles, uneven pigment, loss of elasticity and skin redness.* • CoQ10 (UBIQUINONE): This antioxidant is known to be beneficial in the repair of damaged skin and lessen excesspigmentproduction.Topicalapplicationpromotesahealthier,morevitaland youngerappearance to theskin.
Directions: After treatment serum, apply to face and neck at night.