Ready To Feel Your Youthful Self Again With Hormone Therapy?
In Office Or Telemed Visit
Personalized Treatment
Shipping To Your Doorstep Or Pick Up At Our Office
Lab Needed Can Be Done Inexpensively At One Of Our Locations
“In 10 years I want you to look and feel the same, if not better, than you do now. Stop accepting getting older as a natural decline in health. ”
In menopause, improve hot flashes, vaginal dryness, cognitive function, bone & muscle health, belly weight gain, fatigue, sleep disturbances and lowered sex drive.
1 in 3 women will develop osteoporosis. Let us help monitor your risk factors and prevent risks of fracture with HRT, supplements and lifestyle modification.
Our clinic works closely with our partner pharmacies to individualize patients’ bioidentical estradiol creams and tablets.
Balance hormones along side estradiol by improving symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, anxiety and insomnia.
Bioidentical testosterone cream for men and women to improve sex drive, sleep disturbances, fatigue, weight management, bone health, mental clarity and mood changes.
Testosterone Injections For Men
For home or office administration, men can do weekly injections with routine follow ups with our medical providers.
Improve sexual arousal by increasing sensitivity and blood flow. Apply 30-40 minutes prior to sexy time for an “O Mazing” time. All orders will be purchased online, reviewed and a quick consultation with one of our medical providers will take place before shipping. Medications can be picked up at our office or delivered privately to your door.
Sildenafil, L-Arginine, Aminophylline **Testosterone with consultation
Price includes medication, consultation, and delivery.
Male Sexual Enhancement
Compounded Sildenafil and Tadalafil for sexual arousal in men with fast action and increased absorption delivered to your door after an in office or telemed visit with one of our providers.
We have put together a line of neutraceuticals to support our therapies including probiotics, curcumin, magnesium, alpha lipoic acid and more.
Bioidentical Estradiol & Testosterone Pellets
Estradiol and testosterone pellet therapy is a great choice for those wanting a single treatment that can last 3-5 months in a woman and 4-6 months in a man.
In Office Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Balanced hormones are necessary for good health and disease prevention for women and men as we age. We believe in bioidentical hormones to optimize hormone levels using tiny pellets just under the skin. Hormone pellets release all-natural bio-identical estradiol and testosterone and are absorbed consistently into the body as needed. We use strict guidelines for testing, dosing and monitoring for your best hormonal balance and health.
Countless women and men have now made the switch to bioidentical hormones, a long preferred form of hormone therapy . Bioidentical pellet forms of hormones provide a steady stream of hormone in your bloodstream 24 hours a day, seven days a week and as close to what your body was producing. No more roller coaster rides in levels! Jonna Lindsey-Marion FNP-C has done over a thousand procedures and is experienced along with her staff in consulting with patients to prescribe accurate dosing for each patient’s unique body chemistry.
After years of using hormone pellet therapy in our practice, dosing, administration and results have to always be considered. Each area is different for patients but as a medical provider you try to offer the best solution as a whole. There are several brands that are safe and effective pellets with little to no difference. Factors on success mostly come from identifying goals of therapy, lab assessment and your provider’s medical judgement on dosing. If you have used other brands of pellets, it is common you will initially have an “adjustment period” you will need to work out with your provider. What Evexipel has offered, is a more comfortable insertion period post pelleting for both women and men that has been evident in our practice. They also have a team of medical providers readily available to assist our providers with one on one patient assessment and needs. Dosing is individualized and no two patients can be treated the same. Overall Evexipel gives our practice reassurance of making sure our patients have a well rounded treatment that is comfortable and effective.
Reduced scar tissue, resulting in far fewer pellet extrusions, which decreases the need for additional office visits to deal with complications.
Far fewer boosts required in new patients, which amounts to a more effective and convenient treatment for patients—and fewer office visits.
Quicker absorption of hormones for patients, who report more comprehensive symptom relief sooner than with other compounded pellets.
More consistent absorption over time, which helps ensure longer lasting therapeutic results.
Increased patient satisfaction.
Pellets are no bigger than a grain of rice and can be felt underneath the skin. The estrogen and testosterone in the pellet are FDA approved but the pellet itself is not. Manufacturing is under strict regulations by the FDA for the safety of our patients. Pellets usually last 3-5 months in a women and 4-6 months in a man. They completely dissolve into the bloodstream and eventually disappear. Symptom relief can occur anywhere from 72 hours to up to three weeks for first time patients. The delivery of hormone is cardiac output released. The more active you are, the more readily the hormone is released. The more sedentary you are, the slower the release of hormone is. There is significant amounts of published scientific data on pellet therapy focusing on the heart, breast, bone and brain protection.
Who can benefit from bio-identical hormone replacement
therapy via pellets and how?
As we age, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone naturally decline over time. Around age 35, men experience a gradual reduction in testosterone, typically 2 to 10 percent per year. For women, pre-menopause may start as early as in the 30s. In fact hormone imbalance kicks in long before hot flashes do – by 10 to 15 years!
Listen to your body. Is it saying, “I feel a bit off?” In other words, are you like many men and women in their 30s, 40s and beyond who …
• Lack motivation and feel more tired than usual
• Gain weight for no reason – especially belly fat!
• Experience mood swings more frequently
• Feel anxious and depressed
• Struggle with brain fog and insomnia
• Wonder why their sexual desire and libido have tapered off
If these symptoms sound familiar, you are probably a good candidate for subcutaneous hormone pellet implants.
1. Get your lab done
2. Read the information and fill out the patient packet
3. Schedule a consultation
4. Schedule and appointment for pellets
5. Repeat lab at 6 weeks to assess levels and symptoms
You may use a lab of your choice or our clinic using the enclosed lab request in your patient folder. In some cases lab can take 3-7 days to process. Pelleting can be done immediately after the consultation or at another scheduled time. If a booster is needed around 6-8 weeks it is FREE OF CHARGE TO YOU. At that time we will discuss your individual treatment plan of dosing and a follow up appointment for further pelleting. Each treatment plan is individualized and may differ from others Our goal is to optimize your health and decide what regimen including neutraceuticals and prescriptions are best for you.
Ask one of our providers about adding peptide therapy in addition to hormones
The pellets are wonderful!
“My mood swings have completely stopped. I have energy throughout the day and evening. No more sluggish feelings after meals.
— J.M.
My energy feels like I’m 20y/o again..
Beauty Bar Health & Wellness has made a great difference in the way I feel and function daily.
— J.L.
The next generation of women is going to TAKE CONTROL of their health in a way our generation is only just now figuring out.
-Oprah Winfrey On hormone replacement therapy
Meet Our Partners
IVY Compounding Pharmacy, on Indiana has teamed up with us to create a seamless experience for our patients. Ask us about our custom blends and staples in womens’ health. From daily medications for blood pressure and thyroid to weight loss, menopause and mental health, IVY is our partner in getting you treated. Meds can be mailed to your doorstep or picked up at one of our Beauty Bar Health & Wellness Clinic locations.